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The method ISAMM has been added to the inventory of RM/RA methods.


The tool ISAMM has been updated on the inventory of RM/RA tools.

USB flash drives: small device, major headache?

EU Agency ENISA advises companies on 12 threats from accidental loss or theft of confidential corporate data on unsecured USB flash drives

ENISA Brokers Sharing of Good CERT Practice

Hungary and Bulgaria progress in successful cooperation

Safe printing: a forgotten link

Printing – the ‘forgotten’ security link to safeguard business assets. EU Agency ENISA launches report on ‘Secure Printing’ ENISA, the EU Agency for European Network and Information Security, launches its report on “Secure Printing’ with…

EU efforts called to avoid a 'digital 9/11'

ENISA: Concerted EU efforts are needed to avoid a ‘digital 9/11’ and combat cyber threats ENISA, the EU Agency for European Network and Information Security, today highlighted key online security issues in Europe, showcasing how it helps to counter…

IT Risk Management is essential

Visual Tool Ensures Regulatory Compliance and Effective Implementation of Corporate Risk Management Requirements ENISA develops graphical framework illustrating the integration of Risk Management/Risk Assessment into corporate operational processes

Integrated RM section

Integrated RM section has been added to the RM/RA website. An interactive tool with the process interfaces has been published in this section at HTML Model page.

RM/RA Tool Axur ISMS

The tool Axur ISMS has been added on the inventory of Risk Management / Risk Assessment tools.

PSG Meeting Presentations

ENISA presents information about Emerging and Future Risk during the Permanent Stakeholders' Group Meeting of 04/04/2008.